Government of Chhattisgarh
Water Resources Department

As per the modified guidelines issued by the Government of India in the month of December 2006, the Major, Medium and ERM Projects as well as the Minor Schemes of Tribal and DPAP region can be included for Central Government Aid under AIBP. The projects in the areas where the majority of population belongs to General category are entitled for 25% Central Government Aid, whereas the Tribal and DPAP regions are entitled for 90% Central Government Aid.
In the year 2006-07, 43Minor Schemes (42 Schemes in the Tribal areas and 1 Schemes in the DPAP areas), worth Rs. 119.83 crore, have been sanctioned. These schemes will irrigate an area of 18973 ha. Expenditure of Rs. 84.69 Crores has been incurred in these projects including a Central Assistance of Rs. 94.91 Crores up to March 2009, and 13 schemes have been completed, 4 Schemes have been deleted under AIBP.
In the year 2007-08, Mahanadi Project and Hasdeo Bango Phase-IV major projects, Kosarteda Medium Project and 31 Minor Schemes and 46 Stop-dams of Tribal and DPAP regions have been sanctioned under AIBP and Central Government Aid of Rs.116834 crore and 74.01 crore has been received against them respectively, and expenditure of Rs. Rs.30.06 crore and Rs. 32.84 crore has been incurred against them respectively till March-2009 and 18 Schemes have been Complete, 7 Schemes proposed to deleted under AIBP.

Progress of Major & Medium (Financial & Physical) Project included under AIBP

S.No. Name of Project Year of
under AIBP
Central Aid
Central Aid
in year
Exp till 3/11
Exp till 8/11
till 8/11
in Ha.
Year of
Total Head
Proposed Completed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Major Project
1 Mahanadi Project 2007-08 26.95 80.85 107.8 20.85 _ 100.81 _ 100.81 100%   13883 13760 3/2010 Work completed
2 Hasdeo Bango Project Phase - IV 2007-08 73.27 37.81 111.08 66.004 _ 117.68 _ 117.68 _ 100% Lining 38400 38400 11/2010 Work completed
3 Kelo Project 2008-09 120.55 361.65 482.2 27.02 _ 194.73 23.50 218.23 72% 40% 22810 _ 3/2012  
4 Kharang Project Canal Lining (E.R.M.) 2010-11 11.48 34.42 45.9 4.50 _ _ _ _ _ _ 9800 _ 3/2013  
5 Maniyari Lining 2011-12 86.77 73.18 159.95 _ 22.25 _ _ _ _ _ 14515 _ 3/2013  
  Total - (I)   319.02 587.91 906.93 118.374 22.25 413.22 23.50 436.72 _ _ 99408 52160    
Medium Project  
1 Kosarteda Medium Project 2005-06 67.71 7.52 75.23 44.13 _ 129.13 0.21 129.34 100% 97% 11120 9500 3/2011  
2 Sutiyapat Project 2010-11 33.62 3.73 37.35 6.32   7.1 0.55 7.65 _ _ 2900 _ 3/2012  
  Total - (II)   101.33 11.25 112.58 50.45 0 136.23 0.76 136.99 _ _ 14020 9500 _  
  Total - (I) + (II)   420.35 599.16 1019.51 168.824 22.25 549.45 24.26 573.71 _ _ 113428 61660 _  
Minor Project
3 250 Project (15 group from 2006-07 to 2011-12   580.73 64.53 645.26 369.12 96.23 407.94 22.06 430 _ _ 77100 40685   147 Completed

12 Terminated

91 Constructed
Grand Total   1001.08 663.69 1664.77 537.944 118.48 957.39 46.32 1003.71 _ _ 190528 102345    


Year wise Central Assistance Received and Expenditure under (AIBP)

Head Name of Project Year of Inclusion 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Remark
C.A. Exp. C.A. Exp. C.A. Exp. C.A. Exp. C.A. Exp. C.A. Exp. C.A. Exp.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 Major Mahanadi Project 2005-06       35.24 8.34 38.47 12.51 27.10             20.85 100.81 Completed
2 Major Hasdeo Bango Project Phase-IV 2007-08         19.67 34.33 29.51 47.07 16.82 27.05   9.23     66.00 117.68 Completed
3 Major Kelo Project 2008-09               60.04 13.52 51.25 13.50 83.44   23.50 27.02 218.23 Aug-11
4 Major Khargang Project 2010-11                     4.50       4.50 0.00  
5 Major Maniyari Project 2011-12                         22.25   22.25 0.00  
  Total Major     0.00 0.00 0.00 35.24 28.01 72.80 42.02 134.21 30.34 78.30 18.00 92.67 22.25 23.50 140.62 436.72  
1 Medium Kosartenda Projcet 2005-06 1.56 25.94   5.66 9.38 58.85   11.06 14.50 10.10 18.69 17.52   0.21 44.13 129.34 Aug-11
2 Medium Sutiyapat Project 2009-10                     6.32 7.10   0.55 6.32 7.65 Aug-11
  Total Medium   1.56 25.94 0.00 5.66 9.38 58.85 0.00 11.06 14.50 10.10 25.01 24.62 0.00 0.76 50.45 136.99  
1 Minor 43/39 MI Schemes 2006-07     10.70 27.01 30.61 28.10 53.60 29.58   15.83 5.36 9.56 0.59 0.88 100.86 110.96 Jun-11
2 Minor 19/17 MI Schemes 2007-08         10.96 4.25 23.37 15.15   5.70 0.29 10.59 0.03 3.03 34.65 38.72 Jun-11
3 Minor 12/10 MI Schemes 2007-08         6.62 5.58 4.61 5.16   3.51 2.57 1.77 0.29   14.09 16.02 Jun-11
4 Minor 46/43 MI Schemes 2007-08         11.38 8.59 17.07 24.25   36.89 42.00 16.92 4.67   75.12 86.65 Jun-11
5 Minor 30 MI Schemes 2008-09             32.68 19.48   16.73 29.24 24.20 2.92 8.39 64.84 68.80 Jun-11
6 Minor 13/12 MI Schemes 2008-09             6.12 4.49   7.70 5.48 6.28 0.55   12.15 18.47 Jun-11
7 Minor 16 MI Schemes 2008-09             13.57 0.04   29.20 12.91 5.45 1.29   27.77 34.69 Jun-11
8 Minor 18 MI Schemes 2008-09               2.18 13.71 18.26 30.74 19.19   9.76 44.45 49.39 Jun-11
9 Minor 4 MI Schemes 2009-10               1.30 2.33 4.49 3.20 0.51     5.53 6.30 Jun-11
  Total Minor 197(189)Minors (Old)   0.00 0.00 10.70 27.01 59.57 46.52 151.02 101.63 16.04 138.31 131.79 94.47 10.34 22.06 379.46 430.00  
10 Minor 12 MI Schemes 2011-12                         18.76   18.76 0.00  
11 Minor 6 MI Schemes 2011-12                         14.75   14.75 0.00  
12 Minor 8 MI Schemes 2011-12                         19.31   19.31 0.00  
13 Minor 11 MI Schemes 2011-12                         17.33   17.33 0.00  
14 Minor 5 MI Schemes 2011-12                         6.28   6.28 0.00  
15 Minor 7 MI Schemes 2011-12                         9.96   9.96 0.00  
  Total 49 Minors (New)   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86.39 0.00 86.39 0.00